Monday, May 10, 2010

Au Revoir Les Filles...1st Post Ever!!

I just wanted you all to know, I will miss each of you more than you probably know. I have been notoriously labeled as the friend who disappears off the face of the planet when I move to a new place. It can be easy to make new friends, but then often so hard to keep the old. But, those days my long lost forgotten friends, are over. By the way this isn't just a Lindsay, self-help project, but i seriously do LOVE my friends, and greatly wish to know what is going on in your lives! So there are No maintenance rules...I would only recommend this: As we go about our lives in a million different directions, I hope we often remember each other in the things that we do, and when we make those connections to let each other know. Je vous aime les filles! Au revoir!

VoilĂ  "Au Revoir Les Filles"

Katherine Miller
Sierra Debenham
Amandine Judas
Grace Stephenson
Amy Hansen
Lindsay O'Rourke

and Sister Coley Woyack